
Kasr Alainy Alumni

Faculty of Medicine

(kasr AlAiny) in 1827

About Kasralainy Alumni

Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, strengthening the role of its graduates in building society and enhancing the spirit of belonging and communication between them and their university, and enriching and strengthening the university to carry out its pioneering cultural, social and educational role, through activities that provide university graduates with the opportunity to pursue cultural growth and development. Social and continuous training to meet the requirements of the labor market. It also works to introduce the public and private sectors to the competencies of graduates in various specializations, and thus helps university graduates obtain job opportunities that are compatible with their specializations, and provides the community with honorable models and national cadres who contribute to building the nation and work to Growth and support of the university by all financial, cultural, practical. It is considered a beacon of medicine in the Middle East and the Arab world


ا.د. محمد شاهین باشا
اد. على باشا إبراهيم
ا.د. سليمان عزمي باشا
ا.د. عبد الواحد الوكيل بك
ا.د. نجيب اسكندر باشا
ا.د. إبراهيم شوقي باشا
ا.د. نور الدين طراف
ا.د. عبده محمود سلام
ا.د. محمد النبوى المهندس
ا.د. أحمد السيد درويش
ا.د. محمود محمد محفوظ
ا.د. أحمد فؤاد محيى الدين  (رئيس وزراء)
ا.د. ابراهيم جميل بدران
ا.د. ممدوح كمال جبر
ا.د. حسين كامل بهاء الدين
ا.د. حلمى عبد الرزاق الحديدي
ا.د. محمد راغب دويدار
ا.د. حاتم الجبلي
ا.د. احمد سامح فرید
ا.د. اشرف حاتم
ا.د. فؤاد النواوى
ا.د. محمد مصطفی
ا.د. مها الرباط